National colloquium "In Honorem Prof.dr. George Antoniu"

Continuing the tradition started in 2016, where, under the aegis of the Cross-Border Institute for International Studies and Criminal Justice (ITSIJP) and of the Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Sciences of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, academics and researchers, together with representatives of the ”Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Institute for Legal Research of the Romanian Academy, the Romanian Jurists' Union and the Association of Romanian Criminal Sciences, on May 26th 2017, took place in Galați the second national colloquium "In Honorem Prof.dr. George Antoniu", which was held at the Institute headquarters, with the generic theme "The need to amend the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, three years after their entry into force".

Considered, above all, to be an event honoring the memory of the well-known Romanian scholar, this colloquium was also intended to be a point of reference in order to promote both applied and fundamental research in the field of criminal and forensics sciences, as well as a mean to stimulate the collaboration and to reverse the experience of the most famous experts in criminal law of Romanian and Republic of Moldova, many of whom were former disciples of the honored professor.

Thus, for more than three hours, this colloquium gathered under the same dome the most famous specialists and practitioners in the field of criminal sciences, from The General Prosecutor's Office, represented by the General Prosecutor of Romania, who presented aspects of the criminal phenomenon related to the historical artifacts, the Prosecutor's Office of Galați and the prosecutor's offices, the Galati Court of Appeal and the subordinate courts, the Galați Penitentiary, the Galați Probative Service, Local Police Galați.