Cross-border cooperation and Regional development
Contemporary paradigms of developments have associated during the last decade two types of actions apparently autonomous: Culture and Economics, so much so, that the first is seen as generator of a new economical geography, and culture economics as a leverage of special organizing and local development. Besides, the process of evolving from the cultural development to creative economy is even extremely advanced, EU declaring 2009 as `European year of creativity and innovation`. Essentially, innovation is that capacity of the market to feed itself from a great diversity of situations (people, professions, territories), becoming the key to long term development. The phenomenon operates in those territories where creative classes, usually associated to metropolitan areas, to competitive poles and crowd economics, are concentrated. However the reality dynamic confirms more and more often the exit from the strict limits of urbanity itself, creativity and innovation becoming practically, the new action fronts of regional politics. Therefore, the research being conducted in the „Cross –border cooperation and regional development” laboratory of CSIDO, aims to observe the way in which the cultural development can manifest itself in urban areas, as well as in suburban/ peri-urban ones, as far as in euro-regional territories.
- Regional development;
- Democratization, governance and good governance;
- Creativity and territorial innovation in cross-border regions.